Artsakh resident abducted and killed by Azeri troops
03.12.2021 | 17:22
As informed earlier, the National Security Service of Artsakh issued a statement today a 65-year-old resident of Chartar village of Artsakh’s Martuni region, had disappeared. Later, the NSS found out that the man got lost in the territory under the control of the Azerbaijani Armed units detained.
However, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry reported later that an Artsakh man allegedly “attacked an Azeri soldier, tried to seize his weapon, and was neutralized by the soldier in self-defense.”
According to the information acquired by, the Artsakh NSS report and the Azerbaijani report refer to the same incident. According to our source, the Azeris abducted the 65-year-old man from the hill called Ghuruchugh outside the city of Martuni and killed him.
It is noteworthy that the hill is under Armenian control.